Strategic Planning & Leadership Dialog, 2018

Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center, Washington D.C.

What we did: Planning

Worked with the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center’s (SAPAC) Executive Team and Board of Trustees to plan and facilitate a two-day retreat. SAPAC’s leadership team embarked upon the process of envisioning the Center’s contributions to the cultural discourse within: the Asian Pacific American community; the national fields of arts and culture, and the Smithsonian institution. In addition, ArtRise facilitated a dialog with cultural community leaders to introduce the Center’s mission, programs, and impact and glean feedback about how its resources could be put to best use to address the needs of target audiences.

Project Team

ArtRise Projects
Marnie Burke de Guzman, Principal—Strategic Planner
Halley Lamberson, Program Associate

Asian Pacific American Center, Smithsonian Institution
Lisa Sasaki, Director
Irene Hirano Inouye, Chair, Advisory Board

Image Credits

Top: Statue of Freedom, U.S. National Museum (1881) left; Anida Yoeu Ali, The Red Chador: Threshold, Arts & Industries Building, (2016) right.
Bottom left: Crosslines artists Ink and Soul screenprinting.
Bottom right: Crosslines organization People’s Kitchen Collective story collecting around recipes and food.